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"This book broke my heart..."

- Gayle King, CBS

"I admire Officer Fanone and consider him a brother in arms, especially in defense of democracy. His experience resonates with me deeply -- a plainspoken and direct public servant who didn't flinch when challenged with his life on the line."

- Lt. Col. (Ret.) Alexander Vindman

"I wish Hold The Line would be required reading for every American. If bravery could be taught, Mike would be one one helluva a professor."

Sean Penn

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"Riveting... Authoritative and superbly crafted.

Absolutely, hands down, the best book

ever written on art crime."

- Associated Press

"A rollicking memoir... investigative details dazzle. Priceless can read at times, not unpleasantly, as if an art history textbook got mixed up at the printer with a screenplay for The Wire."

- The New York Times


Photo: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

"An impressive and important work. The glamour of a spy novel, the gravity of a meticulously researched expose."

The Christian Science Monitor

"The thrilling inside story of how an elite team of Homeland Security operatives snatched an Iranian arms dealer from the shadows in a triumph of American justice."

- New York Daily News 

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